On May 16th, you and 100 photographers will be turned loose in the city of Portland. This year we have reduced the number of squares but are doubling up in each. Squares will still be spread across 4 different zones around the City, we just pared it down to the best spots. With Portland Squared, you can go out to do documentary photography or you can go out to create something yourself. There will be Category Awards and Craft Awards to create some amazing photography for! 

The Map

This year we are trimming the map to 50 squares (We’ll update the map below soon) with 2 people assigned to each. They still have four sides, and are LARGE! And we have created four distinct areas of greater Portland for you to play in!

click for larger view

What To Bring

• A camera (or get there early on Friday to rent one for FREE).

•  A laptop with your favorite editing software for the editing session (10-1 p.m. Sunday). If you do not have one, email asmp.events@gmail.com to make alternate arrangements.

• A sense of adventure.



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